EasyReg service introduced by Holstein Australia
Holstein Australia has introduced a new, as the name implies, easy and simple way for members to register cattle.
EasyReg allows members to sign up to have their registrations automatically completed by Holstein Australia staff drawing on existing information from other dairy data recording platforms.
Holstein Australia CEO, Rohan Butler, says that this new service will help solve one of the biggest issues for members when registering animals – the time factor involved.
“Over the years one of the biggest barriers when registering animals, particularly with catch up registrations, is the time factor for members in tracking down and putting together the required information. This new system alleviates that problem.
“With EasyReg the registration process is streamlined, potentially long hours spent tracking down information and registering each animal (often late into the evening for many members) are saved and, once up and running, the whole process can just tick away in the background,” says Rohan.
How does EasyReg work?
EasyReg will work differently for each member, with Holstein Australia following guidelines you establish with us for your herd.
The key things we need to know are:
- How you record your data
- How you name your cattle
- Any specific registration criteria you have
Animal data
Holstein Australia can access the data required to register animals from a number of service providers including Easy Dairy, Mistro, and from herd test centres. If you genomically test your animals, we will already have the required information for registering your animals.
Animal names
Most breeders follow a similar convention when naming animals – prefix name followed by animal name followed by a name suffix, often the sire name and a number reference.
But no two members are the same, there are always variations, for example some members include a tattoo reference or month / year letter, some a separate identification number.
Once we understand your naming process, Holstein Australia can follow the same pattern for all the animals you register.
Registration criteria
Most members have a set registration criteria. Ally will need to know what this is for each member using the EasyReg service.
For example, do you register all calves our of registered dams? If you genomically test your animals, do you register all heifers above a set BPI level? Do you only register animals above a set appendix level? Or is there a set animal age or date during the year where you register all animals that meet your own criteria?
Making EasyReg work for you
We’ve made this easy too! All you need to do is contact Ally Bird at the Holstein Australia office. Ally will then work with you to set up the registration process and animal criteria that works for you and your business.
She will then send you a list of animals to be registered at whatever intervals you agree with her, and once signed off, they’ll be entered into the herd book.
The web or online registration fee - Holstein Australia’s cheapest registration rate - will apply for EasyReg, including any bulk discounts, and appear on member accounts at the end of the month in which the animals have been registered.
To find out more contact Ally at abird@holstein.com.au or contact her by phone on 03 9835 7600.