Australian Cow of the Year
The Holstein Australia Cow of the Year recognises all-round excellence in production, classification, breeding and overall contribution to the Australian Holstein breed. Winners are awarded a perpetual trophy (retained by Holstein Australia), a plaque and a feature article in Australian Holstein Journal.
The Australian Cow of the Year is open to all females in the Holstein Australia Herdbook or Appendix. Nominations can be received from the owner or any third party, including sub-branches. Nominations should feature high production, high classification and exceptional progeny, but do not necessarily have to be a show cow. Entries must be accompanied by a photograph.
To qualify, the cow must have been born in Australia and be alive (in milk or dry) at closing date for nominations. Any animals in which members of the committee or their families have an interest may not be entered in the competition. Previous winners cannot be renominated.
Nominations are judged by the Breed Development and Conformation Committee and two extra judges chosen at the discretion of the committee. The extra judges cannot represent more than one year in a row. Judging will be conducted at one of the Committee meetings conducted each year. Each nomination is assessed on information provided, including progeny, classification, awards, lactation information and any associated material.
Nominations forms for the 2025 Holstein Australia Cow of the Year will available soon.
Semex-Holstein Australia All-Australian Photographic Competition
The Semex-Holstein Australia All-Australian Competition is a national photographic competition that recognises excellence in conformation and showing.
It is open to all Holstein Australia Herdbook and Appendix 1, 2 and 3 females that have been successfully shown at any Australian show adjudicated by a member of the National Judges Panel in any of the Holstein Australia Regions or Sub-Branches.
Click to download the 2024 All-Australian Photographic Competition Rules and Entry Form.
The Semex-Holstein Australia On-Farm Competition
Each Sub-Branch conducts its own competition in spring. The winners are then ‘over-judged’ to determine regional champions, with the results announced at regional and state wide award presentations throughout early summer.