Hullabaloo Bolton Sundae classifies EX95
Hullabaloo Bolton Sundae is the latest cow to be classified EX95-3E.
Owned by the Dee family, Sundae is the 9th cow in Australia to score 95 or above and is the first cow to do so in the North West Victoria Holstein Sub-branch.
Sundae was scored by HA Classifier Leanne Summerville and two days later the results were confirmed by fellow HA Classifier Sean Miller.
“She’s a ripping cow and we were so excited when she classified EX95. Classifying for us is a family thing and to get that handshake from the classifiers to say she’s EX95 was such an awesome moment. We are absolutely stoked!” says Mandy Dee.
Clydevale Holsteins bought Hullabaloo Bolton Sundae back in 2011 as an in-calf rising 2 year-old from local breeder Murray Varcoe (Hullabaloo Holsteins) at their local sub-branch show.
“She really is a once in a lifetime cow and is a great example of the quality of heifers you can pick up at the North West Sub-branch sales” says Mark Dee.
Sundae went on to win the All-Australian in 2019 and recently cleaned up at the Cohuna show winning the Mature Class (7 years and over), Best Udder (Mature Class) and Senior Champion 2021. This was her 5th Senior Champion title from wins at the Cohuna, Rochester and Echuca Shows and the Bendigo Winter Fair.
Mark says “she continues to impress us and we love working with her. She’s been a high production cow that breeds well and has gotten better with age. She’s our very special girl”.
Congratulations to Clydevale Holsteins (the Dee family) and breeder Murray Varcoe on their achievement.