Nominations were called for vacant positions on the Association's national bodies. Since 2017 the pathway for elections to the national bodies has changed. The various aspects of the direct election process are explained below.
Call for nominations for vacant Board positions
In accordance with Rule 50 (6), nominations were called for and as the number of nominees for the Board exceed the number of vacancies an election by ballot is to occur.
Each voting member shall be entitled to vote for any number of candidates not exceeding the number of vacancies. There are two (2) vacancies for the Board.
Nominations have been received and the list of candidates in random order is below:
Bryan Dickson
Emu Banks, 90 Baxters Road, Terang, VIC 3264
We currently milk 850 cows, mainly Holsteins with a few Jerseys, & the girls’ Illawarras’ & Brown Swiss, near Terang in SW Victoria. This involves, myself, my wife Jo and 4 daughters - Rachel, Jacque, Anna & Leah.
I was Chairman of DemoDAIRY during 2014 and 2015 and spent nearly eight years on their Board as a director. I was also a Genetics Australia Board member from 2008 to 2011 and completed the Company Directors Course during October 2010.
We have been members of Holstein Australia since 2004 and are active members of the Western Districts Sub-branch. For the last year I have served on Holstein Australia’s Breed Development and Conformation Committee. I am also currently on the organising Committee for the Western Districts Youth Camp to be held at Noorat in January 2024.
Should I be elected to the Holstein Australia Board two key focuses for me will be to effectively promote the economic benefits of registering Holsteins to farmers and inspiring further growth of youth involvement with registered Holsteins.
Bryan Dickson
Lynette greenwood
Alnor, 743 Sunraysia Highway, Learmouth, VIC 3352
Together with my husband Lance, son and son-in-law we operate the 600 head registered Master Breeder herd Alnor at Learmonth, Victoria. The Alnor Partnership operates across 1,700 acres; and I have been working within the business for 44 years since leaving school.
For the past 6 years, we have focussed on breeding polled Holsteins, and only polled genetics are being incorporated into the breeding program. Our Alnor herd were founding participants in the Ginfo program, maintained to the present. I have also completed two terms on the Holstein Australia Breed Development and Conformation Committee.
My vision for the Association is to encourage new entrants to dairying to take a more active interest in the breeding of their herd, with a focus on making their herds more profitable. I would like to promote a greater understanding of the Association’s work; and what Holstein Australia membership can do for your business.
Lynette Greenwood
marg hinde
Roselea Park, 2650 Nundle Rd Woolomin, NSW 2340
As a seasoned professional deeply rooted in Holsteins and dairying, I am motivated to apply for a seat on Holstein Australia’s Board of Directors.
My tenure within HA as the NSW State Publicity Officer, Northern NSW Regional Representative of the SDC, and Contract Registration Officer underscores my dedication and experience. These roles saw me contribute positively to the organisation and solidify my commitment to guide the strategic direction and revitalisation of Holstein Australia.
Recognising the pivotal role of members in the vitality of an organisation, I am eager to implement strategies that reignite and energise Holstein Australia's membership. I am dedicated to fostering a culture of transparency within the Board and enhancing overall accountability across the organisation.
With an expansive spectrum of proficiency spanning genetics, governance, youth leadership, digital technology, marketing, and collaboration, I am well-equipped to make a substantial and meaningful contribution towards HA's objectives. I aim to infuse renewed vitality into Holstein Australia, steering it towards a prosperous future.
Margaret Hinde BPharm, GDipLegalSt, GDipPsych, MTeach(Sec)
philip daniel
Cleveland, 315 Centre Road, Nathalia, VIC 3638
As a passionate Holstein breeder, past Sub-branch President and former Breed Development and Conformation Committee member I put myself forward as a nominee for the vacant Holstein Australia board position.
I am a lifelong dairy farmer from the original family farm through to the successful management of my own farm and varying business interests. My skill sets and values include honesty, integrity, problem solving, accountability, clear communication and a willingness to make the hard decisions.
My vision for the Association is of a strong and robust Holstein Australia into the future that always has members needs front and centre at all industry tables.
If these are attributes that you the members feel would be a good fit in the current Board structure, I would greatly appreciate your support.
Philip Daniel
How to vote by mail
All members eligible to vote who opt to receive their Association communication by mail have been posted the notice of election, ballot paper, candidate resumes and reply-paid envelope. Ballot papers must either be returned in the reply-paid envelope, or a photograph or scan of the completed ballot paper emailed to no later than 5pm AEDT Thursday 21 December 2023.
How to vote online
All members eligible to vote who opt to receive their Association communication via email have been sent the notice of election, link to this page including candidate resumes and instructions on how to vote using a secure online voting platform. Votes must be registered online no later than 5pm AEDT Thursday 21 December 2023.
Appointment of Returning Officer
The Board has appointed a Returning Officer to oversee the election and scrutiny of results.
Announcement of Results
The results of the ballot will be announced at a General Meeting to be held at the Holstein Australia office, Dairy House, AgriBio, 5 Ring Road, Bundoora, VIC 3083 and online on Thursday 4 January 2024 at 11am AEDT.